*-to hydrate your skin and keep it young and healthy in a bowl mix:
1 tbs peanut butter
1 tbs mayonnaise
2 egg yolks
half a avocado
mix these ingredients together and massage into skin and leave on for 30
minutes and rinse off. leaves your skin feeling like a babies bottom!!
steam face 5-10 mins. Mix table salt, bi-carb soda and a bland face/body
mask or anything which will hold it together without dissolving it -
any consistency preferred. Continually rub this mixture on the face,
exfoliating the skin. This will remove dead, dry skin cells and may help
with blackheads wash of with warm water then wash with ice cold water
to tighten the skin and close pores, moisturise regular. May leave skin
bright red and repeat once every week or two. hope this is of any use as
I obtain amazing results.
This is one secret that will make your skin glow, clear, and beautiful!
It works for acne, black heads, mosturizing the skin, softening the
skin, adding glow to the skin, anti-aging, overall giving you healthy
Put a hot wash cloth over your face to open pores till it gets cool.
take a tsb of extra virign olive oil (better if its organic but it costs
more) and rub in circular motions all around your face. Do this for 2-5
minutes. Then take hot wash cloth again and put it over your face. Put
wash cloth 2 or 3 more times. Wipe off any extra left over olive oil on
your face.
Works wonders! Try it.
I have severe eczema and dry skin every where. When I learned of this
remedy I wasn't so sure until I felt the hand of the person who told it
to me and wow!
All you have to do is make a paste (it works better when it's not
runny) of sugar and lemon juice and scrub it in good then rinse off
well. If your not a believer, just try it on your hands even once and
you'll see immediatly what a difference it makes. Keep using at least
once a day and in 1 week wow! In 2 weeks, double wow!!
It is even taking away the age spots! My skin looks years younger! I
use this everywhere! Face, body, arms legs, hands, feet.
If you have ever used expensive scrubs throw them out cause this remedy will beat them all!!!!!!! (And is much cheaper!!)
I promise this is the best remedy ever!
Let me know what you think!
TRY IT!!!! :)
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Thursday, 4 July 2013
How to Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Face Naturally
How to Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Face Naturally
Wondering how to get rid of dark spots on face? Luckily, there are many possible treatments for dark spots on the skin, such as acid peels and laser surgeries. Simple homemade remedies can also reduce the appearance of dark and brown spots on face and other blemishes on face naturally. Lemon juice, castor oil, vinegar, papaya, and aloe vera are some of the best options for a more natural dark spot corrector agent.
Home Remedies to Remove Dark Spots on Skin
If you have dark spots and patches on face, it can be embarrassing and lead to low self esteem. However, you can try some home remedies for dark spot removal. Homemade dark spot removers for face can effectively lighten the dark spots on face naturally and fast. Following are some of the best natural home remedies to get rid of dark spots on face that are easy and safe to use.Wear Sunscreen to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face: The best way to treat black spots on the face is to prevent them from forming in the first place. Wear sunscreen on your face at all times, even during the winter, to prevent “sun spots” from forming on the face. Apply sunscreen lotion generously on your face to protect your skin from UV rays. You can also try using sunscreen with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide as they give maximum protection from the sun and prevent skin damage. Sunscreen must be applied at least thirty minutes before going outdoors in order for it to take effect.
Lemon Juice to Remove Dark Spots on Face: Lots of best dark spot corrector use lemon juice as their main ingredient. A quick way for dark spot removal is applying lemon juice twice daily to the dark spots. Vitamin C in lemon lightens the dark spots on your face. This home remedy is effective to reduce the appearance of dark patches, melasma, freckles, age spots, and other skin blemishes. You can also dab horseradish, honey, or apple cider vinegar on top of the lemon to enhance the effect of this natural dark spot treatment. These natural dark spot removers will effectively lighten spots left behind by acne blemishes. Continue applying this dark spot removal home remedy for at least 2 weeks, to get the desired result.
Green Tea Extracts to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face: Green tea extracts can also be applied to the dark pigmented skin as this is an effective homemade dark spot corrector. Green tea extract is naturally rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from the free radicals, while supporting a healthy collagen production in the skin.
Sandalwood Powder to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face: To remove dark on the face and other skin discolorations, make a concentrated paste of sandalwood powder, glycerin, and rose water and apply over the face for a few minutes. You can also add milk or honey instead of rose water. This is possibly the best home remedy to remove black spots and age spots on face.
Castor Oil to Remove Dark Spots on Skin: Caster oil is another best natural dark spot corrector. Apply castor oil twice a day to bleach the dark locations. Gently rub the oil into your skin using circular motions. This dark spot removal remedy will naturally reduce blemishes or other skin discolorations.
Milk to Remove Dark Spots on Face: To get rid of the black spots on your face and other skin discolorations, apply milk on your face. When applied topically, the lactic acid in milk will gradually reduce skin's pigmentation and lighten, brighten, and tone skin complexion. Dab the milk with a cotton ball and apply it directly to your brown spots on face. Leave it on for 8-10 minutes and wash it off. Apply this home remedy twice a day for 6 weeks to remove the dark pigmentation spots and patches from your face.
Red Onion Juice to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face: Another popular way to get rid of dark spots on face is to apply onion juice. Dip a clean cotton swab into the onion juice and then dab it directly on the on the discoloration spots and allow to dry. This is one of the best natural dark spot correctors for face. Use this natural home remedy for removing freckles, sunspots, age spots, melasma, and other blemishes on facial skin naturally and fast.
Potatoes to Remove Dark Spots on Skin: Potatoes are one of the best natural ways of removing dark spots on face. Apply potato slices directly to the dark spots, freckles or blemishes on skin. You can also apply a face mask made from honey and grated potato to lighten black dots on face. This homemade remedy can help reduce skin pigmentation and facial dark brown spots naturally.
Vitamin E to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Face: Vitamin E serves as an effective solution for reducing dark spots on face. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, it protects the skin and helps in evening skin discolorations and fading dark spots and other dark blemishes on the face and skin. Open a Vitamin E capsule and apply the liquid to your red and brown spots on face before you go to bed. Or you may consider finding a dark spot removal cream that is rich in vitamin E to lighten dark patches on face and even out skin tone.
Aloe Vera to Remove Dark Spots on Face: If you are tired of having brown and dark spots on your facial skin, you may use aloe vera as the best natural dark spot corrector. Aloe vera is known to help get rid of dark spots and age spots on skin. Rub aloe vera juice or gel directly onto dark skin pigments and brown spots on face once or twice daily for a few weeks to fade those skin discolorations fast.
Papaya to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Skin: Are you being worried by freckles, age spots, liver spots, and brown spots on face? Apply the pulp of papaya on the skin and leave this mask on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off. The many enzymes found in this papaya fruit helps to even out the skin tone and fade dark skin patches and brown spots on face.
These are some of the most effective homemade remedies to get rid of black spots on face. Use these natural dark spot removers on face to get rid of brown spots, freckles, age spots or sunspots and to lighter skin tone naturally. You should also keep your facial skin clean by washing your face at least twice a day to reduce black spots on the face. To speed up the healing process, it is better to avoid excessive touching, squeezing or scratching the black spots on your face.
So now you know how to take care of your skin to protect it from dark spots,dark patches, pigmentation, and also some other skin blemishes.
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